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PRSSA at WSU Public Relations Student Society of America

PRSSA Faculty Advisor

As noted in the PRSSA Bylaws – here is the official job description for faculty advisor

The Faculty Adviser is the official link between the student Chapter, the college or university and the sponsoring PRSA Chapter. The Faculty Adviser must be the following:

  • A full-time teacher of at least one of the public relations courses offered.
  • A member or Associate member of PRSA.
  • Recognized as the official faculty representative to the PRSSA Chapter.
  • Elected annually by Chapter members, the Faculty Adviser carries out several vital functions for the success of the PRSSA Chapter. Some responsibilities include:
  • Set a tone of professionalism for the Chapter, its officers and members.
  • Motivate members through example and counsel to be active members of PRSSA.
  • Provide the resources, support and mentoring to members that enhance their leadership development.
  • Stress that PRSSA is a national organization; it is the affiliate of PRSA, the world’s largest organization of public relations professionals.
  • Stress that a PRSSA Chapter is not a “club.”
  • Represent the Chapter in the sponsoring academic department.
  • Explain the objectives of PRSSA to other faculty members.
  • Obtain the support of faculty and other college or university officials in decision-making positions on behalf of PRSSA and of public relations as a “teachable” profession.
  • Communicate department messages to Chapter members and sponsoring PRSA Chapter.
  • Continue communication with the sponsoring PRSA Chapter, particularly with the PRSA member who has been designated as the PRSSA Chapter’s Professional Adviser, to encourage an active, productive relationship between the PRSSA and PRSA Chapters.
  • Meet with the Professional Adviser, PRSSA and PRSA Chapter presidents early in the academic year to establish objectives for the PRSA/PRSSA relationship.

The current faculty advisor is Chelsea Newman