PRSSA Professional Advisor
As noted in the PRSSA Bylaws – here is the official job description for professional advisors:
Each PRSSA Chapter annually elects one or two Professional Advisers to serve as its connection to its sponsoring PRSA Chapter. The Professional Adviser must be Accredited or have at least five years of professional public relations experience. Associate members of PRSA do not qualify for this position.
Professional Advisers are usually the most visible role models of the public relations profession. The following are some of the distinct responsibilities of a Professional Adviser:
- Demonstrate that the practice of public relations is an ethical profession.
- Show that the professional practitioner is genuinely interested in and concerned about events that affect the community, the nation and the world.
- The Professional Adviser is accountable to the Chapter president and board of his or her PRSA Chapter, and should report to the board at least twice a year.
- Assist in the scheduling of PRSA members to discuss case histories and problems at PRSSA meetings and in classrooms.
- Provide the resources, support and mentoring to members that enhance their leadership development.
- Invite students and Faculty Advisers to attend meetings of the sponsoring Chapter.
- Be available to individual students for counsel about career questions, including job seeking, résumé writing and interview techniques.
- Arrange one-on-one contact between PRSA and PRSSA members.
- Involve PRSSA members and their Faculty Adviser in PRSA Chapter activities, such as seminars, public service programs, publications and conferences.
- Arrange field trips to public relations departments, counseling firms and media.
- Conduct internship programs.
- Establish means to identify entry-level jobs in public relations so that seniors and graduates can follow up with résumés and requests for interviews.