Hi! My name is A’Leesia McKinney. I am a senior at Washington State University majoring in Communication (more specifically, Public Relations). I am currently employed at the Social & Economic Science Research Center as an Interviewer. I am also an ambassador for the Cougar Athletic Fund and in charge of the Coug Guys & Gals social media accounts which consist of Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. If I am able to be apart of PRSSA, I hope to gain more professionalism skills, and also learn how to make my resume and cover letter “look” better. I also would like to use this as a chance to network and get a possible job in PR so I can start the building the career of my dreams. My senior year of high school I was an intern for Waggener Edstrom Worldwide Public Relations Firm, which is located in Bellevue, Washington.
Public Relations Student Society of America